PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the Township of Solon will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., at the Solon Township Hall, 15185 Algoma Ave., NE, Cedar Springs, Michigan, on the application of Jason Dexter and 2nd Chance Corporation to rezone the following described lands from the AR Agricultural Residential District to the HC Highway Commercial District, and for special land use approval to construct an office/warehouse building in excess of 15,000 square feet on the property, and such lands being commonly designated as 862 17 Mile Road NE, Cedar Springs, MI 49319, and legally described as follows:
410232100036 N 468.0 FT OF W 560.0 FT OF NW 1/4 EX N 468.0 FT OF W 270.0 FT * SEC 32 T10N R11W 3.12 A. SPLIT ON 10/15/2004 FROM 41-02-32-100-028;
The application materials are on file in the Township office, at the above-stated address, and may be reviewed by interested persons during Township office hours. All interested persons may attend the public hearing and comment on the proposed special land use request. Written comments may be submitted to the Township offices, at the above-stated address, up to and including the time of the public hearing.
Dated: October 7, 2021