Property Taxes

Online Payment Solutions

Official Payments Corporation can be reached at 1-800-2PayTax (1-800-272-9829) to pay by phone – or go to to make payments online. Both options require the jurisdiction code which is 7086.

Jurisdiction Code: 7086

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BS&A Internet Services is a cutting-edge internet solution. BS&A Software and Solon Township have created a partnership to help provide a fast and convenient way for constituents to view valuable data online.

The township Assessor determines the value of the property as of December 31 (tax day) of each year.  The local township issues tax bills in two installments the following year, July and December.

Regardless of the fiscal year of the taxing unit, both the summer and winter tax bills cover the calendar year for which they were levied.  The two bills make up the total annual property tax due.

Since the adoption of Proposal A in 1994, properties have two values: the state equalized value (SEV) and the taxable value (TV).  Taxes are calculated by multiplying the taxable value by the millage rate.  Proposal A also established the Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) that entitles home owners who live in their home an exemption from paying the 18 mills of school operating millage,

Personal Residence Exemption (PRE)

If you own and occupy your principal residence, it may be exempt from a portion of your local school operating taxes. To claim an exemption, an affidavit must be filled out and filed with the  township by June 1 of the year of the claim.  A valid affidavit filed by June 1 allows an owner to receive an exemption on the current year summer and winter tax levy and subsequent levies so long as it remains the owner’s principal residence.  Principal residence means the dwelling that you occupy as your permanent home and any unoccupied adjoining or contiguous properties that are classified residential or timber-cutover.

Summer Taxes

Summer taxes are sent out by July 1, and are payable July 1 through September 14 without penalty or interest.  Beginning September 15 through September 30 a 1% interest charge will be added.  An additional 1% per month will be added on the 1st day of each additional month to the unpaid balance.

Deferment of Summer Taxes

An owner of eligible residential real property or agricultural real property may file a completed summer property tax deferment form with the township by September 14, which will allow the payment of the summer property taxes to be deferred until February 14 of the next year without any additional penalty and interest.  The owners of the residential real property must have gross household income of $40,000 or less in the previous year and must be (1) totally and permanently disabled or (2) must be an eligible serviceperson, veteran or widow(er) or (3) must be 62 or older.  The owners of the agricultural real property must have more gross receipts from agricultural operations than their total household income in the previous year.

Winter Taxes

Winter taxes are mailed out by December 1 and are payable December 1 through February 14 without penalty or interest. Partial payments are accepted.  On February 15 a 3% penalty will be added to all unpaid balances.

Unpaid summer and winter taxes can only be paid to Solon Township through February 28th.  On March 1 all real taxes must be paid to the Kent County Treasurer;  300 Monroe Ave., Grand Rapids.  Mailing: PO Box Y  Grand Rapids, 49501.  A 4% administration fee and 1% interest per month is applied to the delinquent taxes paid at the County (616) 632-7500.


Checks are accepted only as conditional payment of taxes.  If your check is not honored by the bank, the tax is considered unpaid and will be restored to the tax roll without further notice.  A $25.00 NSF fee will be applied.  Failure to send or receive such notice shall not in any way prejudice the right to collect or enforce the payment of any tax.

It is always helpful to write your telephone number and permanent parcel # on your check.  Payment will be recorded on the date received…..NOT the date written on your check.  If paying by mail and you wish to receive a receipt, please include a self addressed stamped envelope along with your entire bill.

Partial Payments of Taxes are Accepted.

Delinquent Payments

For questions on tax payments that are past due, please visit the Access Kent website or call 616-632-7500

Escrow Accounts

If  you have an escrow account and your tax bill states: A copy of this bill has been sent to mortgage provider,  your mortgage company or a tax service has requested your tax bill.   If you’re unsure call your mortgage company or enclose a copy of your tax bill with your next mortgage payment.  Only the mortgage company or tax service can request your tax information.

Not Receiving a Tax Bill?

While the collecting treasurer is to send tax bills out to all known taxpayers, if the tax bill is returned due to a bad address or name, as the property owner you are still liable for the tax. Not receiving a tax bill, does not alleviate the tax burden. If you have not received a tax bill or have received late bills, you should check with your local treasurer or assessor to confirm that they have the correct owner name and address for billing purposes.

Contact the Treasurer

To contact the treasurer’s office by email, please use this form.