PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the Township of Solon will hold public hearings on Tuesday, November 21, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., at the Solon Township Hall, 15185 Algoma Ave., NE, Cedar Springs, Michigan, to hear and consider comments regarding the following proposed amendments to the Township Zoning Ordinance:
- Medical Marihuana Facilities. The Planning Commission is reviewing a regulatory ordinance and a zoning ordinance that would permit various types of medical marihuana facilities to be licensed to operate within the Township, including provisioning centers, secure transporters, safety compliance facilities, processors and growers. The ordinance would repeal prior Township Ordinance No. 11-2-Z, which provided medical marihuana business regulations, and replace that ordinance with regulations governing medical marihuana facilities, including regulations as to the number of such facilities to be permitted, their location and other matters.
- New AR-2 District; Minimum Lot Size in AR-2 District. This proposed amendment would revise the definitions of “Lot” and “Lot of Record” and would then divide the existing Agricultural Residential District into two separate districts, consisting of the AR-1 Agricultural Residential District and the AR-2 Prime Agricultural Residential District. The regulations for the AR-1 District will be substantially the same as the prior AR District, but the new AR-2 District would be revised to include, among other provisions, a minimum lot size of two acres for parcels within the AR-2 District. Associated provisions dealing with non-conforming lots, references to the former AR District (rather than the AR-1 and AR-2 Districts) and other issues are addressed in the proposed ordinance.
The lands proposed for rezoning to the AR-2 District are those parcels which are currently located in the AR District, and which are also located within the following-described areas:
Solon Township, Kent County, Michigan, Township 10 North, Range 11 West
Sections 1 through 8; the West 1/2 and the Northeast 1/4 of Section 9; Sections 10 through 13; the North 1/2 and the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14; Section 15, except the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 thereof; the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16; Sections 17 through 20; the West 1/2 of Section 21; the Southeast 1/4 of Section 23; Sections 24 through 26; the South 1/2 of Section 27; Sections 28 through 30; Sections 33 through 35.
All current AR District parcels, except those lying in the foregoing areas, shall be included in the AR-1 District. The lands to be rezoned to the AR-1 or AR-2 District by this ordinance are only those lands currently located in the AR District.
The proposed ordinance amendments are available for review at the Township offices at the above-stated address. All interested persons may attend the public hearings and comment on the proposed amendments. Written comments may be submitted to the Township offices, at the above stated address, up to and including the time of the public hearings.
Dated: October 30, 2017.