Public Notice: Planning Commission Public Hearing August 22


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the Township of Solon will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 22, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., at the Solon Township Hall, 15185 Algoma Ave., NE, Cedar Springs, Michigan, to receive comments concerning the application received by Granger Real Estate Holdings, LLC regarding a special land use to operate a trucking terminal for the dispatch, washing, parking and storage of refuse hauling vehicles.  The property, located at 13707 Woodlawn Hills Drive, NE, is in the Industrial District and is legally described as follows:

13707 Woodlawn Hills Drive, NE

Part of the NE 1/4 of Section 34, T10N, R11W, Solon Township, Kent County, Michigan, described as commencing at the North 1/4 corner of said section; thence S00°16’05”W along the North-South 1/4 line of said section 1521.20 feet to the place of beginning; thence N89°04’13”E parallel with the North line of said section 573.54 feet; thence Southeasterly 506.40 feet along a 700 foot radius curve to the left, the chord of which bears S51°37’30”E 495.43 feet; thence S17°39’01”W 265.91 feet; thence S89°04’13”W parallel with the North line of said section 884.0 feet to the North-South 1/4 line of said section; thence N00°16’05”E along the North-South 1/4 line of said section 566.0 feet to the place of beginning.  Subject to easements and restrictions of record.

The application materials are on file in the Township office, at the above-stated address, and may be reviewed by interested persons during Township office hours.

All interested persons may attend the public hearing and comment on the proposed special land use request.  Written comments may be submitted to the Township offices, at the above-stated address, up to and including the time of the public hearing.