“Under Executive Order 2020-6, beginning Saturday, March 14 at 9:00am all health care facilities, residential care facilities, congregate care facilities, and juvenile justice facilities must prohibit any visitors that are not necessary for medical care, support of activities of daily living like bathing or eating, or that are not visiting under exigent circumstances. Additionally, beginning as soon as possible but no later than Monday, March 16 at 9:00am, these facilities must assess for COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors for all individuals not under their care who are seeking entry into their facilities. The facilities must deny entry to any individual with these symptoms or risk factors. These restrictions will remain in place until April 5, 2020 at 5:00pm. During that time, the order encourages the affected facilities to use electronic communication platforms to facilitate visitations with individuals under their care.” 

Under the health code all EMS agencies including fire based ems from MFR on up are considered health care facilities and therefore fall under the Governors Executive Order 2020-6. As stated, they must prohibit visitors (this includes families).

Effective immediately, the following measures will be implemented, until further notice.

·         All doors to SFD shall remain locked to prevent any entry.
·         All FD non emergency business shall be executed using telephone or internet based communications where ever possible.
·         Only FD members will be allowed access to the fire station.